Saturday, June 7, 2014

Pretty Peonies

I was doing some One-Stroke painting this weekend, and took a try at Peonies.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


If you've ever seen/read "Peter Pan" then you've dreamed of having a pinch of Pixie Dust. And if you've ever read "Peter and the Starcatchers" then you've wished to be a possessor and protector of Starstuff.

The story of Peter Pan has always been one of my favorites, and I love every variation, and even more so since seeing the Broadway production of "Peter and the Starcatcher" (my first Broadway experience!)
This necklace was inspired by the lockets in which the Starcatchers kept their personal supply of Starstuff (aka, Pixie Dust).
So, if you're even feeling like a trip to Never Land, look me up!

Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Good Fortune

Sending a box of fortune cookies to Amy at camp! Just about every Sunday I drag her to this Chinese restaurant, and the last couple of weeks my fortune cookies have had messages that I’ve been interpreting to mean that she’s going to kill me! (example: the first week this happened, my cookie was empty while hers said “the axe forgets but the tree always remembers”. Ominous, no!?)
Anyways, so when I saw this box of fortune cookies I knew they’d be so fun to just slap an address on and ship them!

 Amy actually never eats her cookie, but she can just share them with her cabin (hopefully none of these messages are as threatening as the ones I get!!)

Create! ...Tomorrow

Saw an add on TV today for an art institute. Their slogan was “Create Tomorrow”, I’m sure their point is supposed to be “Create Tomorrow: you are creating the future!” but lets be honest, what they really mean is “Create Tomorrow: or the next day”. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Minion Hat

Shhhh!!! Don’t tell my brother, but this is part of his birthday present (yes, he just turned 14, he’ll deal with it). Anyways, when he comes in a few weeks I’m going to take him to see Despicable Me 2, and since I haven’t had work all week and needed a hobby, I pulled out the old crochet hook and made a minion! It turned out a little bigger then I would have liked, but I’m counting on The Benj having a bigger head then me.

I just haven’t glued the mouth on yet…I cant decide what emotion to give him! There's so many options!


I’m pretty happy with how this turned out…might have to make another one for me so we can match ;-) 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Welcome Here!

Welcome to my creativity blog! This is my new place to document the artsy and creative things I do, with my free time.

[ The Reason for “Artist’s Temperament” ]
Whenever my mom wanted me to make, paint, or really do anything, I would always mope around, dragging my feet, even for things I really enjoyed! I just had to be in the right mood (this went for anything from painting, to crafting, to cleaning my room, to homework). So Mom would complain about my “artist’s temperament”. And when the mood would strike, I would suddenly become a whirlwind of activity, rushing from one project to the next! Mom would take advantage of these moments and heap projects on me, “I need a vase panted for so-and-so’s gift! Do it now while you’re artist’s temperament holds out!”
So that’s why I chose this name, because it’s all up to my fickle artist’s temperament whether I do or make anything!

I’d started thinking about starting this blog a few months ago when I was visiting a former co-worker, we were discussing the things I’d mailed or created recently, and she encouraged me to keep a blog of it all. I told her I wasn’t sure if I’d actually keep up with it, but I guess I might as well try! (we’ll see if the temperament holds out ;-)

[ What You’ll Find Here ]
A few months ago I decided that my new hobby would be to send fun things in the mail to my friends, you’ll find those crazy antics under the “Postage” tab above. (this one’s important, I almost centered the whole blog around my mail art, but figured it’d be more fun to include the other things I do J )
Soon you’ll see a “Kiddies” tab, (I need an actual post before I can make a tab, so when I have something, this is where it will be) being a nanny of two (ages 2 and 8), and a devoted camp counselor I figure there’s more than enough going on creative wise to warrant it’s own category.
There's also a tab called “Pinterest-ed”, that’s where I plan to post the things I create that I found on Pinterest (I’ll include the site where I found the project, as well as pics of my own finished product, we’ll see how they match up!)
Up there you’ll also find links to my own Pinterest boards, and the Facebook page of my little painting business, Delightfully Yours (custom painted ornaments or whatever else).
Mainly, I want to use this blog as motivation of sorts, I’m often in the mood to be creative, and it’s always fun to share the creations :-) And perhaps my creative endeavors can encourage you in yours!

So that’s my blog…now lets get creating!

Flip-Flop Mail

Haven't heard yet if these actually made it...fingers crossed cuz HOW cool would that be?
And yes, the post office people have begun to look at me funny when I just come in :-)

Also found this one on Pinterest: